RELEASE NOTES - 2024-07-05


Casey - Fox femboy

Femboy body type


  • Added additional song to Celestial environment.


  • Shaft emergence now affects shaft in a more smooth fashion.
  • Removed "Deactivate" command from pose tools.
  • Added "Reset node" command to pose tools.
  • App now cleans up temporary files during character export.
    • (Used to put a lot of .dds-files in %Temp%.)
    • (You should probably remove any prior ones manually.)
    • (Go to %Temp%, Shift-right-click empty space in Explorer window, choose "Open PowerShell here").
    • (Type "del *.dds" and press enter.)
    • (This will take a while.)
  • Maple is now default character.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where appendages would rotate when going into mask unless display mode was FINAL.
  • Fixed an issue where you wouldn't be able to manipulate transform of parts with FLIP mirror mode.
  • Fixed an issue where colors wouldn't be applied properly when switching from mask directly to a garment shape or bind pose, if those had a pose differing from default.
  • Fixed an issue where changing resolution on part wouldn't update intermediate transfer data, causing transfer layers to appear incorrectly.
  • Fixed an issue where resetting a character node in pose mode wouldn't update transform gizmo.
  • Fixed an issue where undoing or redoing a node change wouldn't update transform gizmo for some actions.
  • Fixed an issue where heads_caprinestylized Blink_L caused minor distortion on the mouth.