RELEASE NOTES - 2024-04-22


Asset previews

There are now previews for body types, heads, hands and feet when browsing assets.


  • Body types are now ordered by name.


  • Upgraded TriLib (mesh importer) to newest version.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a regression where orifice dynamics would look jagged and not good.
  • Fixed an issue where you were not able to snap certain nodes to world SDF surfaces (beds).
  • Fixed an issue where coupling would always be created at location (0,0,0).
    • (Now created within view, just like other nodes.)
  • Fixed an issue where undoing steps rapidly after changing character's parts (head, hand, feet) could cause a freeze.
  • Fixed an issue where character editor could break if trying to enter pose mode while waiting for head/hands/feet/genital changes to commit.
  • Fixed an issue where pressing pose mode multiple times could cause app to enter pose mode multiple times on top of each other.

Mesh fixes

  • Fixed missing relive_R and grin_L on heads_canine.
  • Fixed regular grin so eyes don't clip through on heads_bigcanine.
  • Fixed blink_r and blink_L on heads_bear1.
  • Fixed head_bigfeline smile_R.
  • Fixed head_canine2 "anger", "fear" "grin" and "lip bite" vertex point sticking out.
  • Fixed heads_horse expressions ClosedHappy_L.
  • Fixed missing relive_R and grin_L on heads_canine.
  • Fixed regular grin so eyes don't clip through on heads_bigcanine.
  • Fixed blink_r and blink_L on heads_bear1.
  • Fixed head_bigfeline smile_R.
  • Fixed head_canine2 "anger", "fear" "grin" and "lip bite" vertex point sticking out.
  • Fixed heads_horse expressions ClosedHappy_L and faulty left expressions.
  • Fixed heads_caprine1 left expression problems.
  • Fixed heads_caprine2 eyes blink slight head upscaling problem.
  • Fixed heads_caprinestylized EyesclosedHappy variations, Smile_R and _L and happy_R" and "_L" problems.
  • Fixed missing relieve_R has no longer separate folder and relieve_R is now visible.
  • Fixed blink_r and blink_L on heads_bear1.
  • Fixed head_bigfeline smile_R that is no longer in own folder.
  • Fixed head_canine2 bad vertex sticking out.
  • Fixed heads_horse expressions closed happy eyes not shutting correctly and faulty left expressions.
  • Fixed heads_caprine1 Up_L, frown_L, sad_L and Happy_L mouth scale up problem.
  • Fixed heads_caprine2 eyes blink molar teeth not jutting backward.
  • Fixed heads_fennec blink_R and blink_L issue.
  • Fixed heads_giraffe brow and eye left side bloat issue.

RLD map

  • Fixed major performance regression with there being many realtime lights in the scene.
  • Fixed major performance regression where beds were using both SDF colliders AND insanely dense mesh colliders.
  • Fixed texture issues where all the tub-chars had incorrect striping.
  • Fixed collider issue with the desk colliders so now you can reach underneath them.
  • Fixed collision with sky-bridge rails.
  • Fixed a small hole in the wall of the starting area to the characters left.
  • Fixed LODS on bins and barrels.
  • Fixed collider issues with slim building so now that the rails can be grabbed.
  • Fixed collider of cheap rooms main door frame.
  • Fixed collider with shutter next to cheap rooms.
  • Fixed collision with electrical box in parking lot.
  • Fixed collision of phone booths.
  • Fixed texture issues with sinks in the cheap rooms.
  • Fixed missing geometry in cheap hotel hallway.
  • Fixed texture issues on small decorative props around map.
  • Fixed duplicated mesh on doors of the blue rooms causing graphic issues.
  • Fixed reflections of the windows and puddles of the red rooms to be more realistic.
  • Fixed light issues on dance poles.
  • Fixed lighting issues on AC units on top of buildings.
  • Fixed lighting issues on curb.
  • Added colliders to curbs.
  • Added collider to decorative metal at front of parking lot.
  • Added collision to neon signs.
  • Added collider to pictures in red room restrooms.
  • Added collider to pink neon's.
  • Added missing geometry outside of blue rooms building.